Denseley woven cotton fabrics with high performance were originally produced in England. In the 1930’s they were used as fire hoses and water buckets. During the Second World War the fabric protected the lives of the British Hurricane pilots who frequently had to bail out of their aircraft by parachute or ditch their planes in the icy waters of the Atlantic. The Immersion Suits made of this performance cotton fabric proved to be comfortable to wear, both in the cockpit and during the endless hours of waiting to be summoned for take-off. The water tight and thermally insulating fabric gave the pilots a genuine chance of survival in emergency situations.
After the war these fabrics continued to be used for the airforce, the navy and more and more every day performance jackets and coats. With the decline of the British textile industry the stringent demands of the British MoD (Ministry of Defence) could no longer be met by the home industry. In the 1990’s the British MoD contacted Stotz with the demand for a superior and more consistent quality compared with that of their English supplier. As Stotz have been weaving such dense cotton fabrics for the MoD’s in Scandinavia and the USA since the 1960’s we were the natural choice to meet with the British requirements. Within 6 months of development work Stotz could produce to the British MoD the traditional L19, L24, L28 and L34 fabrics in a quality they have never seen before.
Today Stotz is the sole manufacturer of these high performance cotton fabrics.
Protects you from rain and snow.
a totally windproof barrier protecting you from windchill.
Hydrophobic impregnation makes the garment water repellent.
The most breathable weatherproof fabric available. It wears like a cotton shirt.
Fabric maintains its properties over the years. Does not brittle like coated or laminated synthetic constructions.
Soft handle, can directly be worn on the skin. No rustle or perturbing noise.
Made of renewable, organically produced cotton.
Made from worlds finest cotton fibres. Only 2% of world production are classified as extra long staple fibres.
Sustainability and ecology made in Switzerland. Organic cotton is grown without pesticide nor fertilizers. Flourocarbon-free impregnation. EtaProof Organic is produced in two different weights, 150cm wide.
Leadership in creation and technology, combined with quality and flexibility can only be achieved through local production. Our fabrics are developed, dyed and finished in Switzerland.
Our approach, «Made in Switzerland», guarantees that in the future our customers can continue to benefit from our know-how, which we have built up over decades.